ENTJ (Blue/Gold) Careers
architect◆lawyer [especially corporate, employment, project finance, securities, mergers and acquisitions, product liability] (intellectual challenge,high need for control, complex problem solving, high standards).
chief financial officer◆executive [private sector/government service/arts and entertainment] ◆insurance agent/examiner/underwriter ◆managers of all types[marketing, financial operations, human resources, sales, training and development] ◆new business developer◆real estate manager ◆strategic planner ◆training and development manager◆venture capitalist(decisive, focused, take-charge, high standards, solving complex problems,long-range strategic thinking, natural leadership skills).
banker ◆credit investigator ◆economist◆financial planner◆investment banker◆investment/securities broker◆mortgage broker ◆security analyst(intellectual challenge, intuition, strategic thinking, complex problem solving, high need for control, competition, insatiable curiosity, well-informed,logical thinking, make tough decisions).
Computer/Information Technology
computer analyst◆database manager◆executive computer firm◆programmer◆computer security specialist◆software/hardware engineer(mastering new technologies, solving complex and/or theoretical problems,autonomy, long-range planning, future possibilities, bold new designs, contingency planning, need for control).
management consultant◆industrial psychologist/organizational development specialist(autonomy, solve complex problems, work with theories and future possibilities, long-range planning).
educational administrator◆higher education teacher/professor[especially law, political science, science, or social studies] ◆university president(desire to deal with competent people, establish long-range visions, strategic planning, few routine tasks, autonomy, debate skill).
Government/Public Administration
government service executive ◆judge ◆policy maker◆urban and regional planner◆community services manager(ability to tackle complex issues,long-range planning, respect of community).
Health Science/Human Services
anesthesiologist◆internist◆psychiatrist◆neurologist◆surgeon◆medical health services manager◆philanthropic/community service executive(intellectual challenge, opportunity to lead, respect of community).
Scientific Research, Engineering, Mathematics
chemical/environmental engineer◆engineering manager◆geologist(insatiable curiosity, need for control, deal with confusion and inefficiencies,tackle complex problems, interact with people you respect)