INTJ (Blue/Gold) Careers
architect ◆composer◆art/movie/theatre critic◆book publishing professional◆literary agent◆film producer/director◆multimedia training specialist◆news analyst/reporter◆web designer(see complex interconnections,insatiably curious, have many facts at your fingertips, gifted strategic thinker,autonomy, deep concentration powers, faith in own insights, high standards).
actuary ◆bankers of all types◆budget analyst ◆credit analyst◆chief financial officer/controller ◆compensation and benefits manager◆economist ◆executive coach ◆executive [private sector, government]◆financial analyst ◆financial planner◆franchise/small business owner◆in-vestment analyst◆investment banker◆investment/securities broker◆manager-financial branch/department ◆marketing manager◆market research analyst◆operation research analyst ◆venture capitalist(decisive, focused, take-charge, high standards, need for control, solving complex problems, long-range strategic thinking, natural leadership skills).
Computer/Information Technology
database administrator◆hardware/software engineer◆information systems manager◆network systems and data communication analyst◆programmer◆security specialist◆systems analyst◆support specialist◆internet marketer(mastering new technologies, solving complex and/or theoretical problems, autonomy, clear and direct communications, long range planning, future possibilities, bold new designs, contingency planning, high need for control).
management consultant◆organizational development specialist ◆political consultant◆telecommunications security consultant(see the big picture in unrelated facts and concepts, solve complex problems, at ease with theories and future possibilities, long-range planning, contingency planning).
higher education teacher/university professor[especially economics, science,or social studies]◆university president(need to deal with competent people, establish long-range visions, strategic planning, few routine tasks, autonomy, debate skill).
Government/Public Administration
government service executives◆financial examiner◆judge◆urban and regional planners (ability to tackle complex issues, long-range planning, respect of community).
Health Science anesthesiologist◆cardiologist◆geneticist◆internist◆neurologist◆nuclear medicine technologist◆pathologist◆surgeon◆psychiatrist(intellectual challenge, need for control, tackle complex problems).
lawyer [administrative, aeronautic, corporate, employment, entertainment,product liability, project finance, among others]◆paralegal(solving complex problems, intellectual stimulation, high compensation).
Scientific Research, Engineering, Mathematics
aerospace engineer◆astronomer◆ biochemist◆biomedical engineer ◆biophysicist◆chemical/ environmental/nuclear engineer◆economist◆environmental scientist◆industrial psychologist◆inventor◆medical scientist◆political scientist◆space scientist(strategic thinking, long-range planning, intellectual challenges, little routine or repetitive work, insatiable curiosity, need for control, tackle complex problems, opportunity to inter-act with people you respect).
Zichy, S., & Bidou, A. (2007). Career Match : Connecting Who You Are with What You'll Love to Do. New York: AMACOM.