People exceptionally talented in the Input theme have a craving to know more. Often they like to collect and archive all kinds of information.
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The Value I Bring
a natural curiosity
know something about a lot of things
collect and archive all kinds of information
tangible tools that can facilitate growth and performance
The Roles I Play
Frequency and Pairings
Ranked #2 most frequent Strength.
Most frequently paired with Achiever (33%)
Least frequently paired with Command (02%)
The Needs I Have
freedom to take ownership
opportunities to take on new responsibilities
need to work with others who take their responsibilities seriously
an environment that values quality
My Motivations
I love the respect and trust of others.
I love fulfilling my commitments.
I hate a lack of follow-through of any kind.
I hate disappointing others and being disappointed by others.
My Blind Spots
Inability to delegate and be seen as a micro-manager
Can't say no. Takes on too much.
Strengths Development
Undeveloped: Feels external pressure to do the right thing. Over commits. Feels only responsible for self.
Mature: Feels internal pleasure when doing the right thing. Feels responsible for others.
Strategy to Grow: My motivation to grow is most powerful when I tell others of my developmental intentions. When I say it, I must do it.
"Don't Let Me Down" by the Beatles
"Count on Me" by Gary Lewis and the Playboys
"Here and Now" by Luther Vandros
"“I believe that every right implies a responsibility; every opportunity, an obligation; every possession, a duty.”
— John D. Rockefeller, Jr., philanthropist"
When Collaborating
When collaborating with others be sure to clarify roles at the outset. Your desire for psychological ownership needs this clarity.
When Managing Others
When delegating specify your expectations for the outcome of the work. Take care not to overly manage the process of how the work gets done.
When Leading Others
Let others know that not only do you feel responsible for the commitments the team has made to clients or stakeholders, but also for their growth and development.
Let the team know that you can be counted on to do what is right. Tell them a story about a time when you had to do the right thing even when it was hard to do.
On Marriage
I will be an even better spouse when I make a daily, public re-commitment to the vows I made on my wedding day: I do, I will
On Parenting
You are driven by your commitments. Make sure that you are making intentional, verbal commitments to your kids. You will need to say "no" to your kids for work. Make sure there are times you say "no" to your work for your kids.