ESFP (Red/Green) Careers
artist [painter, sculptor, illustrator] ◆art director ◆actor/performer ◆audiovisual specialist◆broadcaster ◆costume/wardrobe/set design◆crafts-person/artisan ◆dancer ◆entertainment agent[actor/performer] ◆camera operator ◆fashion designer ◆photographer ◆film/TV/stage producer ◆radio/TV talk show host ◆special effects technician ◆stage manager ◆talent director ◆tour guide/organizer (allow the use of artistic talents to produce concrete and usable products).
Animal Care
animal breeder/groomer/trainer◆pet store owner◆veterinarian◆veterinary technician◆zoologist(tap into sensitivity to animals and their physical and emotional needs).
small business owner◆corporate trainer◆diversity manager◆financialadvisor◆financial securities trader[stocks, bonds, commodities]◆in-surance agent/broker/claim investigator◆lawyer[real estate, litigation,poverty]◆manufacturer’s representative◆marketing specialist◆mediator◆special event planner◆merchandise planner◆public relations specialist◆retail merchandiser◆salesperson◆sales manager(draw on strong communications and selling skills).
Computer/Information Technology
computer game programmer◆software engineer◆support specialist (ability to combine design and technical skills with other people in a generally collegial environment).
Education/Human Services
child care worker◆community service manager◆child/family counselor◆fundraiser◆instructional coordinator◆public health instructor◆teacher[lower grades, special education, music, drama, and art] (enjoy counseling or teaching and have rapport-building skills).
Emergency Services/Government
crisis center worker◆firefighter◆paramedic◆police officer (variety, change,and need for quick response in high-stress situations).
Health Science
chiropractor◆dentist◆dental assistant/hygienist◆dietitian◆elderly home care◆hospice nurse◆massage therapist◆lab technician◆nurse[especially emergency room]◆obstetrician/gynecologist◆pediatrician◆personal fitness trainer◆physical[occupational/recreational therapist]◆primary care physician◆radiologic technician◆respiratory therapist◆speech pathologist substance abuse counselor(observing concrete details of the body and practical methods for getting well; helping the sick deal with uncomfortable and frightening situations).
chef/food service manager◆casino manager◆cruise director◆lodging owner/manager◆restaurant host/hostess◆tour agent (frequent small crises requiring pragmatic response, motivation of others especially through humor).
Politics, Elected
politicians at all levels (requires flexibility, ability to persuade, adaptability tothe needs of voters).
Real Estate
land developer◆property manager◆real estate broker◆real estate lawyer(allows interaction with people in a fast-moving business).
athletes of all types◆athletic coach(attracted to physical activity; those with special athletic abilities are ideally suited to making sports a profession).
air traffic controller◆flight attendant/instructor◆pilot/copilot(appeal to your love of excitement, movement, variety, and risk).
cosmetologist◆farmer◆rancher◆hairdresser◆landscape gardener.
Zichy, S., & Bidou, A. (2007). Career Match : Connecting Who You Are with What You'll Love to Do. New York: AMACOM.